Even if I have been talking to you all, let me wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year. Take these days like a break to come back with nice improvements and a new mentality to keep working hard and reach new goals and targets within the new year.
E-teaching has been developed to help my students with Geography, History, and PSHE. It could be useful in ESO, key stage 3, years 7,8,9, and key stage 4, years 10 and 11, and especially those enrolled in the following programs of IGCSE, AS, and A-levels. Remember, it is forbidden to any member or user to post content which is illegal, threatening, harmful, offensive, damaging, slanderous, scurrilous, violent, insulting, racist and untruthful or against the copyright.
Monday, 17 December 2018
Merry Christmas and happy new year!
Dear students of 7A, 7B, 7C, 8A, 8B, 8C, 9A, 9B , 10 and 11........
Even if I have been talking to you all, let me wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year. Take these days like a break to come back with nice improvements and a new mentality to keep working hard and reach new goals and targets within the new year.
Even if I have been talking to you all, let me wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year. Take these days like a break to come back with nice improvements and a new mentality to keep working hard and reach new goals and targets within the new year.
Thursday, 13 December 2018
Year 11s........Just a quick reminder to let you know the dates of the IGCSE mocks for GEOGRAPHY after the Christmas holidays. Remember, do not forget to study and revise and bring all you need for the tests (eg: rules, protractor, calculator, a piece of string, pens, pencil, ruber, etc)
Paper 2 (1hour and 30 mins) (PM) >>> 14:50
FRIDAY (11/01/19)
Paper 1 (1hour and 45 mins) (PM) >>> 14:50
MONDAY (14/01/19)
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Friday 14th Christmas Concert in Mataespesa
The Christmas Concert is after school on Friday 14th in Mataespesa. Tickets are €3. Remember, all the collected money will be for projects of "Asociación AENILCE". Let's help this important NGO and all of us!
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Geography in Key Stage 4 (year 10 & 11)
Dear parents and students of year 9,
I have received some requests about information a little bit more in detail about Geography in year 10 and 11. So, I have decided to make a brief summary of the important information to pay attention about this subject and posted on here. You may find this information and other, in the "portal de comunicación".
In Key Stage 4, students in Montessori Mataespesa/Fresnos will be prepared for the International General Certificate of Education exam of the University of Cambridge Examinations Board (IGCSE), Syllabus number 0460. The aims are therefore the same as those specified by the exam board and are summarised as follows: -
1. To develop a sense of place and an understanding of relative location on a local, regional and global scale;
2. To develop an awareness of the characteristics and distribution of a selection of contrasting physical and human environments;
3. To develop an understanding of some of the processes affecting the development of such environments;
4. To develop an understanding of the spatial effects of the ways in which people interact with each other and with their environments;
5. To develop an understanding of different communities and cultures throughout the world and an awareness of the contrasting opportunities and constraints presented by different environments.
2. Syllabus outline
All students will follow the same teaching syllabus, based on the exam syllabus.
YEAR 10 (Physical Geography)
1. Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, volcanoes, fold mountains, rift valleys, natural hazards and human response.
2. Weathering and mass movement
3. Fluvial processes and associated landforms, flooding, river pollution, water resources – uses, competition and conflict
4. Marine processes and associated landforms, coastal flooding, coastal pollution, and coastal management
5. The collection of meteorological data and factors affecting climate
6. Tropical rainforests – climate and vegetation, plantation farming, small-scale subsistence agriculture, deforestation and global warming
7. Deserts – climate and vegetation
YEAR 11 (Human Geography)
1. World population distribution and density. World population growth, the concepts of overpopulation and carrying capacity. The demographic transition and variations in world population growth. Pro- and anti-natalist policies. Population structure, population pyramids. Population migration – causes and consequences
2. Settlement site, situation, pattern, morphology, function and growth. Settlement hierarchies and spheres of influence – shopping patterns. Urbanisation and associated problems. Urban land use models and comparisons between MEDCs and LEDCs. Inner cities and their redevelopment, ribbon development, dormitory suburbs/villages, green belts. Rural-urban migration in the LEDCs and shanty towns
3. Employment structure
4. Farming – changes in commercial and cash-crop farming
5. Energy – significance of different energy sources, acid rain, the siting of power stations
6. Industrial systems - motor vehicle assembly, high technology industries
7. Leisure & tourism
8. Revision
3. Time allocation
Students will have 3 x 55 minute periods of Geography and some homework per week.
4. Resources
Each student will have a copy of The New Wider World (Third Edition) by David Waugh (ISBN ). Each student will have access to the Oxford Practical Atlas (ISBN 0 19 831836 7). The textbook and atlas are supplemented by many teacher-prepared resources and by past examination questions.
5. Assessment
No assessment will be made of the students’ notes but assessment will be based on IGCSE style questions and the grades awarded will be equivalent to those that would have been obtained by the student under examination conditions bearing in mind the stage in the course. There will be tests at the end of most teaching units and formal examinations in June of Year 10 and in January of Year 11. All students will enter for Paper 1, Paper 2 and Paper 4 (Alternative to Coursework).
I have received some requests about information a little bit more in detail about Geography in year 10 and 11. So, I have decided to make a brief summary of the important information to pay attention about this subject and posted on here. You may find this information and other, in the "portal de comunicación".
In Key Stage 4, students in Montessori Mataespesa/Fresnos will be prepared for the International General Certificate of Education exam of the University of Cambridge Examinations Board (IGCSE), Syllabus number 0460. The aims are therefore the same as those specified by the exam board and are summarised as follows: -
1. To develop a sense of place and an understanding of relative location on a local, regional and global scale;
2. To develop an awareness of the characteristics and distribution of a selection of contrasting physical and human environments;
3. To develop an understanding of some of the processes affecting the development of such environments;
4. To develop an understanding of the spatial effects of the ways in which people interact with each other and with their environments;
5. To develop an understanding of different communities and cultures throughout the world and an awareness of the contrasting opportunities and constraints presented by different environments.
2. Syllabus outline
All students will follow the same teaching syllabus, based on the exam syllabus.
YEAR 10 (Physical Geography)
1. Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, volcanoes, fold mountains, rift valleys, natural hazards and human response.
2. Weathering and mass movement
3. Fluvial processes and associated landforms, flooding, river pollution, water resources – uses, competition and conflict
4. Marine processes and associated landforms, coastal flooding, coastal pollution, and coastal management
5. The collection of meteorological data and factors affecting climate
6. Tropical rainforests – climate and vegetation, plantation farming, small-scale subsistence agriculture, deforestation and global warming
7. Deserts – climate and vegetation
YEAR 11 (Human Geography)
1. World population distribution and density. World population growth, the concepts of overpopulation and carrying capacity. The demographic transition and variations in world population growth. Pro- and anti-natalist policies. Population structure, population pyramids. Population migration – causes and consequences
2. Settlement site, situation, pattern, morphology, function and growth. Settlement hierarchies and spheres of influence – shopping patterns. Urbanisation and associated problems. Urban land use models and comparisons between MEDCs and LEDCs. Inner cities and their redevelopment, ribbon development, dormitory suburbs/villages, green belts. Rural-urban migration in the LEDCs and shanty towns
3. Employment structure
4. Farming – changes in commercial and cash-crop farming
5. Energy – significance of different energy sources, acid rain, the siting of power stations
6. Industrial systems - motor vehicle assembly, high technology industries
7. Leisure & tourism
8. Revision
3. Time allocation
Students will have 3 x 55 minute periods of Geography and some homework per week.
4. Resources
Each student will have a copy of The New Wider World (Third Edition) by David Waugh (ISBN ). Each student will have access to the Oxford Practical Atlas (ISBN 0 19 831836 7). The textbook and atlas are supplemented by many teacher-prepared resources and by past examination questions.
5. Assessment
No assessment will be made of the students’ notes but assessment will be based on IGCSE style questions and the grades awarded will be equivalent to those that would have been obtained by the student under examination conditions bearing in mind the stage in the course. There will be tests at the end of most teaching units and formal examinations in June of Year 10 and in January of Year 11. All students will enter for Paper 1, Paper 2 and Paper 4 (Alternative to Coursework).
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Year 9s OPTIONS TIME!!! Is Geography for me?
Dear year 9s
As you get closer to narrowing down your options, I have received some questions from pupils asking me about next year. Most of you are a bit excited and nervous about what to do and choose for year 10 and 11. Well, it is difficult for me to give an individual answer for each of you, for that reason you should think about a few things, and you can read them all down here. This applies just as well to any subject, not just Geography.
Step 1: Most important - do you enjoy it?
If you enjoy a subject you will work harder and be more attentive. That will lead to a happier couple of years, and a better grade at the end of it. If you enjoy several subjects, go to step 2...
Step 2: Are you good at it?
If you have several subjects you enjoy, think about which ones you are best at. Remember though, that if you haven't done well recently it doesn't mean you won't do better next year, especially as the people in your group will change which may help you concentrate better. If you are still struggling, go to step 3...
Step 3: The Department
If you haven't made your decisions based on Steps 1 and 2 (and even if you have), take a look at the department you will be working in. Every subject has huge strengths, and you need to decide which are appropriate for you. In last year's IGCSE exams, most of our Geography students at Montessori School Mataespesa got a grade C / B - and many A or an A*. Is this something that is important to you? You can also think about the classrooms, access to past papers, and the staff - but see the word of warning in Step 5!
Step 4: What will you study next year - is it interesting?
If you still can't decide, get details from other IGCSE students in the "Options Meeting" on Wednesday 21st of November about the course you are going to study. You might find Geography more interesting than you thought - from global issues like climate change and fighting poverty, right down to why you live in your house and why there isn't a cinema nearby, geography is an interesting subject. Remember also that some new subjects that sound fabulously exciting might not turn out the way you think they will. This brings us on to the next point...
Step 5: The teachers
You might want to study with the same teacher for the next two years. Or you might want to get away from one you have at the moment! :,( But don't let this be something that influences your decision to do any particular subject. Remember that teachers are unlikely to teach all the groups in your year for IGCSE, and even if they do, in all subject areas teachers move on from time to time. Mr. Vallely and "myself" Mr. Legaz.... we are very busy every year and last minute subject changes may occur.
Whatever you decide, make sure it is the right subject for you. The Geography Department naturally wants you ALL to do Geography because we think it is the most important subject you could take (where else will you learn about global warming, rainforest destruction, shopping patterns and coastal erosion?) but we also want you to make the right decision. Ask us at any time if you want more advice.
If you enjoy a subject you will work harder and be more attentive. That will lead to a happier couple of years, and a better grade at the end of it. If you enjoy several subjects, go to step 2...
Step 2: Are you good at it?
If you have several subjects you enjoy, think about which ones you are best at. Remember though, that if you haven't done well recently it doesn't mean you won't do better next year, especially as the people in your group will change which may help you concentrate better. If you are still struggling, go to step 3...
Step 3: The Department
If you haven't made your decisions based on Steps 1 and 2 (and even if you have), take a look at the department you will be working in. Every subject has huge strengths, and you need to decide which are appropriate for you. In last year's IGCSE exams, most of our Geography students at Montessori School Mataespesa got a grade C / B - and many A or an A*. Is this something that is important to you? You can also think about the classrooms, access to past papers, and the staff - but see the word of warning in Step 5!
Step 4: What will you study next year - is it interesting?
If you still can't decide, get details from other IGCSE students in the "Options Meeting" on Wednesday 21st of November about the course you are going to study. You might find Geography more interesting than you thought - from global issues like climate change and fighting poverty, right down to why you live in your house and why there isn't a cinema nearby, geography is an interesting subject. Remember also that some new subjects that sound fabulously exciting might not turn out the way you think they will. This brings us on to the next point...
Step 5: The teachers
You might want to study with the same teacher for the next two years. Or you might want to get away from one you have at the moment! :,( But don't let this be something that influences your decision to do any particular subject. Remember that teachers are unlikely to teach all the groups in your year for IGCSE, and even if they do, in all subject areas teachers move on from time to time. Mr. Vallely and "myself" Mr. Legaz.... we are very busy every year and last minute subject changes may occur.
Whatever you decide, make sure it is the right subject for you. The Geography Department naturally wants you ALL to do Geography because we think it is the most important subject you could take (where else will you learn about global warming, rainforest destruction, shopping patterns and coastal erosion?) but we also want you to make the right decision. Ask us at any time if you want more advice.
Here you have some videos. The first one is from a school in UK giving you reasons to choose GEOGRAPHY as IGCSE. I will try to publish some other videos on here to help you with your final decision. Show them to your parents so you make the right choice!!!
Thursday, 8 November 2018
Globalization / Globalisation .... Year 9s
Just a rimender about the meaning of "Globalization/Globalisation". It may help you to understdand our lessons better this end of term. Press play and enjoy it.
Weather and climate .... Year 8s
Just a quick reminder on here about the difference of "Weather" and "Climate". Feel free to watch it again.
Friday, 19 October 2018
Glaciers .......Year 7s
We have a new topic this term and many of you were asking about it because you did not know much about glaciers. We will explain it all in the following weeks. The next lessons will help you to understand the link below about the "last glacier in Spain"
Friday, 7 September 2018
Welcome ...back! 2018-2019
Dear students,
As I do every September, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone back for the start of the 2018 – 2019 school year. Although I’m sure everyone hates to see their summer vacation come to an end, there is always a certain air of excitement about the start of a new school year. We did not even start yet and here you have some information about our academic year (all the school terms). Hope you find it useful and it will be all explained the first week we see all each other. Click on upper tags to know more. But anyway... most of you are more or less familiar with new timetables, rooms, books, and teachers.
It is going to be a challenging year for us all (students, parents and teachers), with many different issues to deal with academically or not, in and out the school.
For that reason we all must make an extra effort in our own responsabilities, being supportive to each other.
- Students, I expect you work hard, study a lot, following school rules as you know them already.
- Parents, I know and appreciate your support and understanding of the hard work of teachers and special conditions we are going through at work. So, I give you all my biggest thank you in advance.
- Teachers (myself) As a teacher I understand the effort all of you (parents) are making to bring your kids here and I will do my job as professional as ever to get outstanding and best academic results with every single student I am responsible in every subject, group and lessons I teach.
Ok, enough is enough... time to say bye for now.
I just wish you the best of luck to you all this year.
Mr. Legaz
As I do every September, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone back for the start of the 2018 – 2019 school year. Although I’m sure everyone hates to see their summer vacation come to an end, there is always a certain air of excitement about the start of a new school year. We did not even start yet and here you have some information about our academic year (all the school terms). Hope you find it useful and it will be all explained the first week we see all each other. Click on upper tags to know more. But anyway... most of you are more or less familiar with new timetables, rooms, books, and teachers.
It is going to be a challenging year for us all (students, parents and teachers), with many different issues to deal with academically or not, in and out the school.
For that reason we all must make an extra effort in our own responsabilities, being supportive to each other.
- Students, I expect you work hard, study a lot, following school rules as you know them already.
- Parents, I know and appreciate your support and understanding of the hard work of teachers and special conditions we are going through at work. So, I give you all my biggest thank you in advance.
- Teachers (myself) As a teacher I understand the effort all of you (parents) are making to bring your kids here and I will do my job as professional as ever to get outstanding and best academic results with every single student I am responsible in every subject, group and lessons I teach.
Ok, enough is enough... time to say bye for now.
I just wish you the best of luck to you all this year.
Mr. Legaz
Thursday, 9 August 2018
Congratulations Alejandro!
Congratulations Alejandro! It was a pleasure to be your teacher and you will do great in Cambridge next year. This prize is just the icing on the cake to conclude this stage in your brilliant life as student in Montessori and this is just the begining of great adult life and career. You are a good example to us all.... you are showing that all students can reach high if they work hard and use their talent. Well done and all the best!
Friday, 6 July 2018
Year 7s.........Bayeux Tapestry
You are enjoying your holiday time already but there are lots of things going on about geography and history. I am posting on here some stuff about the Bayeux Tapestry of the Normans that we did explain in history this year. Click on the link to read more about this issue.
Monday, 18 June 2018
Some interesting figures 2017 / 2018
Every june I try to make a summary about my academic year. After many days, weeks, months, terms of hard work .... here we have the well deserved rest & holidays!... and some numbers.
Mr. Legaz' academic year 2017-2018 in quick figures...
- I have been teaching 237 students
-11 groups of teaching. Geography: Key Stage 3 - 7A, 7B, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B
Key Stage 4 - 10, 11
History: Key Stage 3 - 7A, 7B , 8A
- More than 1200 teaching hours (not included substitutions, duties, etc)
- More than 44 test, it means around 1000 tests and 237 exercise books marked 1000 times!!!
- Around 1000 grades and comments on reports.
- 108 projects in geography and history.
- Countless notes in diaries and some phone calls to parents
- Many parents evenings, tutorial appointments and teacher meetings
- And millions of SILENCE please and behave properly! Thank you!
Mr. Legaz' academic year 2017-2018 in quick figures...
- I have been teaching 237 students
-11 groups of teaching. Geography: Key Stage 3 - 7A, 7B, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B
Key Stage 4 - 10, 11
History: Key Stage 3 - 7A, 7B , 8A
- More than 1200 teaching hours (not included substitutions, duties, etc)
- More than 44 test, it means around 1000 tests and 237 exercise books marked 1000 times!!!
- Around 1000 grades and comments on reports.
- 108 projects in geography and history.
- Countless notes in diaries and some phone calls to parents
- Many parents evenings, tutorial appointments and teacher meetings
- And millions of SILENCE please and behave properly! Thank you!
Graduation year 13s (2018)
Dear year 13 (students of 2000),
Congratulations for your graduation this Friday.
Wishing the BEST for the future to you all!
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Summer letter 2018
Estimados padres y alumnos de “Geography” en year 7A, 7B, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B, 10, 11 y “History” year 7A, 7B y 8A :
Como cada año cuando llegan estas fechas, me gusta comunicarme con vosotros para agradecer vuestro apoyo y trabajo desde casa. Este ha sido otro año intenso, y no sólo en lo académico. Agradezco vuestro reconocimiento y apoyo durante todos estos meses.
Espero disfrutéis de un buen verano y merecido descanso. Como cada año, recomiendo se siga en contacto con actividades relacionadas con la lectura y repaso de conceptos aprendidos durante el año. Algunos estudiantes de “year 7, 8 y 9” han recibido en estos dias un “summer-pack”. En los comentarios de las notas he puesto quien debe hacer el trabajo de verano. Son actividades de repaso para aquellos que han suspendido o han aprobado pero creo que necesitan reforzar la/s asignatura/s de cara al curso que viene. No olvidéis traerlo hecho a la vuelta de vacaciones y entregarlo en la primera semana como “year 8, 9 ó 10”.
Aquí tenéis un enlace con las instrucciones por si han perdido la documentación que he entregado a los alumnos.
Como cada año cuando llegan estas fechas, me gusta comunicarme con vosotros para agradecer vuestro apoyo y trabajo desde casa. Este ha sido otro año intenso, y no sólo en lo académico. Agradezco vuestro reconocimiento y apoyo durante todos estos meses.
Espero disfrutéis de un buen verano y merecido descanso. Como cada año, recomiendo se siga en contacto con actividades relacionadas con la lectura y repaso de conceptos aprendidos durante el año. Algunos estudiantes de “year 7, 8 y 9” han recibido en estos dias un “summer-pack”. En los comentarios de las notas he puesto quien debe hacer el trabajo de verano. Son actividades de repaso para aquellos que han suspendido o han aprobado pero creo que necesitan reforzar la/s asignatura/s de cara al curso que viene. No olvidéis traerlo hecho a la vuelta de vacaciones y entregarlo en la primera semana como “year 8, 9 ó 10”.
Aquí tenéis un enlace con las instrucciones por si han perdido la documentación que he entregado a los alumnos.
Para mis estudiantes de year 10 espero reviséis algo durante estos meses y para los de year 11, espero tengáis buenos resultados en los IGCSE y disfrutéis de un gran verano.
También espero que durante esta pausa veraniega, descansemos y el sol nos recargue a todos de energía para así empezar el nuevo curso con fuerza y energía renovada.
Un abrazo y gracias una vez más.
Félix Legaz
También espero que durante esta pausa veraniega, descansemos y el sol nos recargue a todos de energía para así empezar el nuevo curso con fuerza y energía renovada.
Un abrazo y gracias una vez más.
Félix Legaz
Dear parents and students of "Geography" in year 7A, 7B, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B, 10, 11 and "History" year 7A, 7B & 8A,
This year and like in previous ones, I want to communicate with you to thank you for the support and help provided from home. It has been another long hard year in many ways, not just academically. As usual, I really appreciate your support and understanding during all these months.
I hope you enjoy a great summer and deserved rest. I recommend you follow up with reading-related activities and review of concepts learned during the year. Some students in "year 7, 8 and 9" have received a "summer-pack" already, there is a reminder on the reports about the students that must do it. They are summer activities for those who have failed or they are at the edge and I think they need to strengthen their knowledge in my subject/s for next year. Please, do not forget to bring it done in September and hand it in the first week you are back to school again, as year 8, 9 or 10. There is a link here, just in case the students have lost the hand out with all the information.
This year and like in previous ones, I want to communicate with you to thank you for the support and help provided from home. It has been another long hard year in many ways, not just academically. As usual, I really appreciate your support and understanding during all these months.
I hope you enjoy a great summer and deserved rest. I recommend you follow up with reading-related activities and review of concepts learned during the year. Some students in "year 7, 8 and 9" have received a "summer-pack" already, there is a reminder on the reports about the students that must do it. They are summer activities for those who have failed or they are at the edge and I think they need to strengthen their knowledge in my subject/s for next year. Please, do not forget to bring it done in September and hand it in the first week you are back to school again, as year 8, 9 or 10. There is a link here, just in case the students have lost the hand out with all the information.
For my year 10s do not forget to revise a little bit during the summer break and for my year 11 students, I just hope you have a great summer and nice IGCSE results as well.
I also hope that this summer break will bring us lots of sun and rest, so we will be back to work with renewed strength and energy.
Regards and thank you very much one more time.
Félix Legaz
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
World Environment Day 2018 (Beat plastic pollution)
World Environment Day is the biggest annual event for positive environmental action and takes place every 5 June. This year’s host country India has chosen the theme "beat plastic pollution" and will be at the centre of celebrations around the planet.
World Environment Day is a day for everyone, everywhere. Since it began in 1972, global citizens have organized many thousands of events, from neighbourhood clean-ups, to action against wildlife crime, to replanting forests.
As I said,the theme for World Environment Day 2018 is Beat Plastic Pollution. For more information on plastic pollution, check out the #BeatPollution page on marine pollution.
Remember.... every little helps! We all could do something to improve our planet!
Friday, 1 June 2018
Important Information for some Year 7s, 8s and 9s
How?. You must give your answer using paper (DIN A4)
For some answers, you may write, use pictures, spider maps and drawings (if it is necessary)
When? The deadline, when this "summer work" must be handed in, it will be the week you are back to school as year 8, 9 or 10.
CLICK down here or on the tags above (GEOG 7, 8 or 9/ HIST 7 or 8)
Thursday, 31 May 2018
Reminder about 3rd TERM (projects & presentations)
- All about Spain
7A 13 / 06 / 2018 Groups 1, 2 ,3 and 4 (10 mins.each)
7B 13 / 06 / 2018 Groups 1, 2 ,3 and 4 (10 mins.each)
- Explaining .......................
- Explaining .......................
8A 12 / 06 / 2018 Groups 1, 2 ,3 and 4 (10 mins.each)
9A 14 / 06 / 2018 Groups 1, 2 ,3 and 4 (10 mins.each)
9B 14 / 06 / 2018 Groups 1, 2 ,3 and 4 (10 mins.each)
7A 14 / 06 / 2018 Groups 1, 2 ,3 and 4 (10 mins.each)
7B 14 / 06 / 2018 Groups 1, 2 ,3 and 4 (10 mins.each)

Tuesday, 29 May 2018
Year 9s Trip to Valencia.... some tips
Get ready for the exiciting trip to VALENCIA. Do not forget to do your packing list in advance. If you do not know how to do one, here you have an example.... CLICK HERE.
Enjoy in Valencia !!

Thursday, 24 May 2018
Well done.....
CONGRATULATIONS and thank you to all the people involved in all the stalls of the Spring Fair.
The final figure obtained in the whole Spring Fair for this year´s NGOs was 1.787,56 €
Enach and Forever Kids Kenya are going to be very happy and proud of you all for your effort,help and support. Thank you all!!!
The final figure obtained in the whole Spring Fair for this year´s NGOs was 1.787,56 €
Enach and Forever Kids Kenya are going to be very happy and proud of you all for your effort,help and support. Thank you all!!!
Sunday, 6 May 2018
IGCSE TIME!!! Good luck!
Dear Year 11s .... THE IGCSEs ARE HERE!!!
Remember, in PAPER 1 you must choose one question on each of the 3 sections, you have got two options on each section.
DO NOT FORGET to bring your own materials to every single exam (pen, pencil,
ruler, calculator, etc). You are not allowed to ask for anything to anybody.
Revise as much as you can. Do not forget to use my photocopies to revise (not to study).
Just a quick message on here to wish you the best of luck in your IGCSE (not just in the Geography papers but the other subjects too). You did Paper 1 already but I just remind you some instructions anyway.
Here you have some reminders about the dates, papers and last minute news.
Here you have some reminders about the dates, papers and last minute news.
Remember, in PAPER 1 you must choose one question on each of the 3 sections, you have got two options on each section.
SECTION A,------- Q1, Q2 you must choose Q1 or Q2
SECTION B,------- Q3, Q4 you must choose Q3 or Q4
SECTION C,------- Q5, Q6 you must choose Q5 or Q6
TOTAL 3 Questions (one from each section)
SECTION B,------- Q3, Q4 you must choose Q3 or Q4
SECTION C,------- Q5, Q6 you must choose Q5 or Q6
TOTAL 3 Questions (one from each section)
Please check the dates, times and locations of your exams with care. You are responsible for ensuring that you arrive to your exams on time. *If there is a local festivity (22/05/18), the school will be opened for the test anyway!!!
Paper 1 (1 hour and 45 mins) (AM)
(03/05/18) THURSDAY
Paper 2* (1 hour and 30 mins) (AM)
(22/05/18) TUESDAY
Paper 4 (1 hour and 30 mins) (AM)
DO NOT FORGET to bring your own materials to every single exam (pen, pencil,
ruler, calculator, etc). You are not allowed to ask for anything to anybody.
Revise as much as you can. Do not forget to use my photocopies to revise (not to study).
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