Thursday 12 September 2024

Welcome back letter! 2024-2025

 Hello Parents and Students,

It's that time of the year again! September has arrived, and with it, the start of the 2024 – 2025 school year. While we all reluctantly bid adieu to the carefree days of summer, there's an undeniable buzz in the air as we embark on this new adventure together.

During our first week back at school, I'll do my best to keep my webpage,, updated with all the exciting details about the upcoming academic year, including important school term information. However, if you find it's not quite up to speed, don't fret! You can always hop over to GOOGLE CLASSROOM, where you'll discover the latest updates on Geography and History. Please remember that you can find all the important dates for your tests, book revisions, project deadlines, and more right in your classroom. This information is conveniently located in the geography and History section, both at the back and/or front of the classroom

Oh, and don't forget about my YouTube channel! .There, you'll find a more relaxed side of geography and some fun videos with advice tailored to students aged 11 to 18 (years 7 to 13).  I cover various topics, from transitioning from primary to secondary school to exploring IGCSE options and even delving into As and A-level syllabi.

We're in for another eventful year ahead, with challenges aplenty for students, parents, and teachers, both inside and outside the classroom. With numerous groups to teach, I may be a tad busier than usual, so I kindly ask for your patience. Rest assured, I'll give it my all, just as I always do. In these times, let's rally together, embracing our shared responsibilities and offering support during any special circumstances that come our way.
  • Students, I'm counting on your hard work and dedication.
  • Parents, I truly appreciate your unwavering support and understanding of the dedication teachers put into their work. Allow me to extend my heartfelt thanks in advance.
As for me, as your teacher, I understand the sacrifices you, the parents, make to ensure your children receive a quality education. I promise to carry out my role with the utmost professionalism, striving for outstanding academic results with each and every student I have the privilege to teach across all groups and lessons.

Alright, it's time to bid adieu for now.
I simply want to wish you all the best of luck in this upcoming academic year.

Warm regards, 
Mr. Legaz

Monday 4 September 2023

Welcome back letter! 2023-2024


Hello Parents and Students,

It's that time of the year again! September has arrived, and with it, the start of the 2023 – 2024 school year. While we all reluctantly bid adieu to the carefree days of summer, there's an undeniable buzz in the air as we embark on this new adventure together.

During our first week back at school, I'll do my best to keep my webpage,, updated with all the exciting details about the upcoming academic year, including important school term information. However, if you find it's not quite up to speed, don't fret! You can always hop over to GOOGLE CLASSROOM, where you'll discover the latest updates on Geography. Please remember that you can find all the important dates for your tests, book revisions, project deadlines, and more right in your classroom. This information is conveniently located in the geography section, both at the back and/or front of the classroom

Oh, and don't forget about my YouTube channel! .There, you'll find a more relaxed side of geography and some fun videos with advice tailored to students aged 7 to 13. I cover various topics, from transitioning from primary to secondary school to exploring IGCSE options and even delving into As and A-level syllabi.

We're in for another eventful year ahead, with challenges aplenty for students, parents, and teachers, both inside and outside the classroom. With numerous groups to teach, I may be a tad busier than usual, so I kindly ask for your patience. Rest assured, I'll give it my all, just as I always do. In these times, let's rally together, embracing our shared responsibilities and offering support during any special circumstances that come our way.

  • Students, I'm counting on your hard work and dedication.
  • Parents, I truly appreciate your unwavering support and understanding of the dedication teachers put into their work. Allow me to extend my heartfelt thanks in advance.

As for me, as your teacher, I understand the sacrifices you, the parents, make to ensure your children receive a quality education. I promise to carry out my role with the utmost professionalism, striving for outstanding academic results with each and every student I have the privilege to teach across all groups and lessons.

Alright, it's time to bid adieu for now.

I simply want to wish you all the best of luck in this upcoming academic year.

Warm regards, 

Mr. Legaz

Wednesday 21 June 2023

Summer letter 2023

Dear parents and students,

As the school year draws to a close, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering commitment and hard work throughout the academic journey. It has been an exceptional year, filled with countless hours of studying and dedication, and I am incredibly proud of each and every one of you.

First and foremost, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the parents who have been actively involved in their child's education. Your continuous support, encouragement, and collaboration have been instrumental in their growth and success. Your involvement has shown the value you place on education, and I am truly grateful for the trust you have placed in me as your child's tutor and/or teacher in geography and history.

To my dedicated students, I am in awe of your perseverance and determination. You have demonstrated an exceptional work ethic, constantly pushing yourselves to achieve your academic goals. Your thirst for knowledge, eagerness to learn, and willingness to embrace challenges have been truly inspiring. It has been an honor to witness your progress and witness your intellectual growth throughout the year.

Now that the summer break is upon us, I urge both parents and students to take a well-deserved rest and enjoy the joys of this season. It is crucial to recharge and rejuvenate your minds and bodies, allowing yourselves time to relax and engage in activities that bring you joy.

While it is important to take a break, I also strongly encourage you to keep your minds active during the summer months. Reading is a wonderful way to achieve this, no matter if the book is in english, spanish or any other language. Dive into captivating books, explore different genres, and let your imagination run wild. Reading not only broadens your knowledge but also enhances critical thinking, vocabulary, and creativity. It opens doors to new perspectives and experiences, even from the comfort of your own home or while traveling.

As we bid farewell for now, I want to express my deepest gratitude once again for your trust, hard work, and dedication. It has been an absolute pleasure being your tutor and teacher, and I look forward to seeing you all return in the next academic year, refreshed and ready to tackle new challenges.

May this summer be a time of relaxation, joy, and cherished memories for you and your families. Embrace the warmth of the season, indulge in activities that bring you happiness, and never stop exploring the world through the pages of a book.

With warmest regards,



Estimados padres y estudiantes,

A medida que el año escolar llega a su fin, quiero tomar un momento para expresar mi más sincero agradecimiento por vuestro compromiso y apoyo al trabajo a lo largo de este curso académico. Ha sido un año excepcional, lleno de incontables horas de estudio y dedicación, y estoy increíblemente orgulloso de cada uno de vosotros.

En primer lugar, quiero extender mi más sincero agradecimiento a todos los padres que han estado activamente involucrados en la educación de sus hijos. Su apoyo continuo y colaboración han sido fundamentales en su crecimiento y éxito. Su participación ha demostrado el valor que le otorgan a la educación, y estoy verdaderamente agradecido por la confianza que han depositado en mí como tutor y/o profesor de"geography" and"history" de sus hijos.

A mis dedicados estudiantes, estoy asombrado por vuestra perseverancia y determinación. Habéis demostrado un trabajo excepcional, siempre esforzándose por alcanzar vuestras metas académicas. Las ganas de conocimiento, de aprender y disposición para enfrentar desafíos han sido verdaderamente inspiradoras. Ha sido un honor presenciar el progreso y crecimiento académico y personal a lo largo del año.

Ahora que las vacaciones de verano están a la vuelta de la esquina, insto tanto a padres como a estudiantes a que os toméis un merecido descanso y disfrutéis de las alegrías de esta temporada. Es crucial recargar y rejuvenecer nuestras mentes y cuerpos, permitiéndonos tiempo para relajarnos y participar en actividades que nos brinden alegría.

Si bien es importante descansar, también os animo fervientemente a mantener las mentes activas durante los meses de verano. La lectura es una maravillosa manera de lograrlo, ya sea en inglés o en castellano. Animo a sumergirse en libros cautivadores, que exploren diferentes géneros y dejen volar la imaginación. La lectura no solo amplía nuestro conocimiento, sino que también mejora el pensamiento crítico, el vocabulario y la creatividad. Abre puertas a nuevas perspectivas y experiencias, incluso desde la comodidad de nuestros hogares o mientras viajamos.

Ya por último, quiero expresar una vez más mi más profundo agradecimiento por su confianza, arduo trabajo y dedicación. Ha sido un absoluto placer ser su tutor y/o profesor, y espero verlos a todos regresar en el próximo septiembre, renovados y listos para enfrentar nuevos desafíos.

Que este verano sea un tiempo de relajación, alegría y recuerdos apreciados para todos vosotros. Aprovechad el calor de la temporada, disfrutad de actividades que os hagan felices y nunca dejéis de explorar el mundo a través de las páginas de un libro.

Recibid un cariñoso saludo,


Friday 24 March 2023

Year 8 in Arqueopinto

We are back from a great day in Arqueopinto. It was a wonderful day out with lots of activities and workshops. Nagore (our tour guide) explained very well the evolution of us all (humans) in this planet since 4.000.000 millions of years ago until nowadays. We enjoyed a workshop and we learnt to paint as our early ancesrtors did in caves. And we enjoyed the Juan Carlos I park before we were back to the school again. Here you have some pictures of our day out.

Thursday 15 December 2022

Merry Christmas!!! Greetings!!!


Dear students and parents (7A, 7B, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B Los Fresnos),

As your teacher of geography and history in the British National Curriculum, I want to thank you for your support and understanding from home during this challenging first term. It has been a very intense first term in many meanings and we have been working hard all.

Let me take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and the best for 2023.

Best regards

Mr. Legaz


Estimados alumnos y padres de  (7A, 7B, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B Los Fresnos):

Como vuestro profesor de "geography" y "history" en el sistema Británico, quiero dar las gracias a todos vosotros por el apoyo y la ayuda desde casa. Como todos sabéis, ha sido otro primer trimestre muy intenso, en muchos sentidos y creo que todos hemos sabido estar a la altura. Aprovecho esta oportunidad para enviar los mejores deseos para esta Navidad y para esperemos un mejor 2023. ¡Felices Fiestas!


Mr. Legaz

Friday 18 November 2022

Year 9s OPTIONS TIME!!! Is Geography IGCSE for me?

Dear year 9s

As you get closer to narrowing down your options, I have received some questions from pupils asking me about next year. Most of you are a bit excited and nervous about what to do and choose for year 10 and 11. Well, it is difficult for me to give an individual answer for each of you, for that reason you should think about a few things, and you can read them all down here. This applies just as well to any subject, not just Geography.

Step 1: Most important - do you enjoy it?
If you enjoy a subject you will work harder and be more attentive. That will lead to a happier couple of years, and a better grade at the end of it. If you enjoy several subjects, go to step 2...

Step 2: Are you good at it?
If you have several subjects you enjoy, think about which ones you are best at. Remember though, that if you haven't done well recently it doesn't mean you won't do better next year, especially as the people in your group will change which may help you concentrate better. If you are still struggling, go to step 3...

Step 3: The Department
If you haven't made your decisions based on Steps 1 and 2 (and even if you have), take a look at the department you will be working in. Every subject has huge strengths, and you need to decide which are appropriate for you. In last year's IGCSE exams, most of our Geography students at Montessori School Mataespesa got a grade C / B - and many A or an A*. Is this something that is important to you? You can also think about the classrooms, access to past papers, and the staff - but see the word of warning in Step 5!

Step 4: What will you study next year - is it interesting?
If you still can't decide, get details from other IGCSE students and teachers in the "Options Meeting" on Wednesday 13th of November about the course you are going to study. You might find Geography more interesting than you thought - from global issues like climate change and fighting poverty, right down to why you live in your house and why there isn't a cinema nearby, geography is an interesting subject. Remember also that some new subjects that sound fabulously exciting might not turn out the way you think they will. This brings us on to the next point...

Step 5: The teachers
You might want to study with the same teacher for the next two years. Or you might want to get away from one you have at the moment! :,( But don't let this be something that influences your decision to do any particular subject. Remember that teachers are unlikely to teach all the groups in your year for IGCSE, and even if they do, in all subject areas teachers move on from time to time. We are very busy every year and last minute subject changes may occur.

Whatever you decide, make sure it is the right subject for you. The Geography Department naturally wants you ALL to do Geography because we think it is the most important subject you could take (where else will you learn about global warming, rainforest destruction, shopping patterns and coastal erosion?) but we also want you to make the right decision.  
Ask me at any time if you want more advice.

Here you have some videos. The first one is from a school in UK giving you reasons to choose GEOGRAPHY as IGCSE. I will try to publish some other videos on here to help you with your final decision. Show them to your parents so you make the right choice!!!