Saturday 28 January 2012

Marking year 11 ... IGCSE mocks during the weekend

Just a quick message for year 11. I am marking your IGCSE mocks during the weekend. I will try my best to finish on time and to revise with you all the papers on Monday and to give you the grades as well.
Please remember, the grade is just important to know more or less how ready you are for the IGCSE, but the most important thing about the IGCSE mocks is to learn from your mistakes, and understand them, to improve your knowledge in the subject and get a better grade in the official ones. :-)

Thursday 26 January 2012

Extra house points for year 9 if...

Dear Year 9s,

During the first week of this blog I have received nice and positive feedback from most of you. Some year 9s were asking about how to get extra house points as the year 7s and 8s. Well, here you have the challenge. 

This term we are talking about China, and we focused about the population and problems there. The picture I am posting here is about population, so you must explain the meaning of the cartoon and when we are talking about China... what could you say about the situation of the population in that country?

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Geography jokes

Who said that Geographers do not have sense of humour?... here you have some jokes to prove you are wrong and cheer you up this week.

Q:What always sits in the corner but can move all round the world? 
A stamp.

Q:How can you tell that compasses and scales are intelligent? 
Because they're all graduated.

Q:Why didn't the map grids go to the punk disco?
Because they were all squares.

Q:What's big, white, furry and always points North?
A Polar Bearing.

Q:What do geographers grow in their gardens? 
Compass roses.

Q:Where do all the pencils come from? 

Q:What do an astrologist and a cartographer have in common?
They both specialise in projections.

Q:What city always cheats at exams? 
Peking (Beijing now) :P

Q:Why is it easy to get into Florida?
Because there are so many keys.

Q:What do penguins wear on their heads? 
Ice caps.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

A video to refresh the minds of Year 9

We are studying China in our first unit this term, but if you remember we talk about TNCs in the last term. We explained in detail how TNCs with headquarters based on MEDCs, are taking advantage of LEDCs to produce as much as they want to increase their profits, keeping costs of production very low.
Well, here you have a very good video that summarise everything and links a little bit with our topic of China too, as a country which is growing fast because many of the goods that we buy are produced cheaply there. Have a look to the video and be brave to create your own. We could be posting it here. The video on here was created by a year 9 from UK.

Do you want to get extra house points? An interesting video for year 7 and 8.

I am posting a very interesting video for year 7s and 8s.
As we are studying with year 7 "settlements" at the moment and "ecosystems" with year 8, this video could be useful for both to understand issues related with our units.

Year 7s, this is a good example of the opposite story of settlements. We know already that settlements were created by humans and they have been growing since then, but... What would a world without humans look like? Press play and enjoy!!!

Year 8s, this is another good example for our unit of ecosystems. We have been talking a lot about different types, and we focused in two; the tropical rainforest and tundra. Well, this video shows you what type of new ecosystem we could create if humans vanish from the earth's surface. 

If you want to get a big bunch of EXTRA HOUSE POINTS... you must think about where you live and what would happen to it in a month, a year, 10 years, 100 years and 1000 years time. Write your answers into your exercise book.  You can include photos of your area and annotate to show what may change. (if you have photoshop or any other photo editing software you may want to show the effects of these changes – don’t worry if you can’t do this)

Monday 23 January 2012

Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos!

Welcome everybody! I just hope you find this website useful. I will try to provide interesting information for your homework, study and improved knowledge in my subjects. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me, specially if you see me around the school or during the lesson time. ;-)
Important notice: Remember, It is forbidden to any member or user to post content which is illegal, threatening, harmful, offensive, damaging, slanderous, scurrilous, violent, insulting, racist and untruthful or against the copyright.

¡Bienvenidos todos! Espero encontréis esta página web útil y podáis utilizar la información que incluya por aquí para mejorar vuestros deberes, lo que tenéis que estudiar e incrementar vuestro conocimiento en mis asignaturas. Si tenéis alguna pregunta, ya sabéis que podéis preguntarme cuando queráis, especialmente si me veis por el colegio o durante las horas de clase. ;-)
Nota importante: Recuerda que está prohibido a cualquier miembro o usuario, publicar algún contenido que sea ilegal, amenazante, dañino, ofensivodifamatorio, calumnioso, violento, ofensivo, racista y falso o en contra de los derechos de autor.