Monday 23 January 2012

Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos!

Welcome everybody! I just hope you find this website useful. I will try to provide interesting information for your homework, study and improved knowledge in my subjects. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me, specially if you see me around the school or during the lesson time. ;-)
Important notice: Remember, It is forbidden to any member or user to post content which is illegal, threatening, harmful, offensive, damaging, slanderous, scurrilous, violent, insulting, racist and untruthful or against the copyright.

¡Bienvenidos todos! Espero encontréis esta página web útil y podáis utilizar la información que incluya por aquí para mejorar vuestros deberes, lo que tenéis que estudiar e incrementar vuestro conocimiento en mis asignaturas. Si tenéis alguna pregunta, ya sabéis que podéis preguntarme cuando queráis, especialmente si me veis por el colegio o durante las horas de clase. ;-)
Nota importante: Recuerda que está prohibido a cualquier miembro o usuario, publicar algún contenido que sea ilegal, amenazante, dañino, ofensivodifamatorio, calumnioso, violento, ofensivo, racista y falso o en contra de los derechos de autor.


  1. Que pasa misteeer, nos echas de menoos verdaaad?

    1. Hi Pablo! If you want to post a message you must be a registered member of this blog from now on. This is done for security reasons. I will really appreciate if you become a registered member so you can make your comments safely. Another reason to use this system is to know who is writing a message on here, we can use your message as an example, we don't know which Pablo is writing here. Thank you for your support and understanding and I am really looking forward to hear from you again. It is always nice to see the interest on learning something else far from the teaching hours. Cheers mate!

  2. mister si q t as currao el speech eh

    ya soy member !

    1. Mihail!!! Welcome to the blog and thanks for you comment, but will be even better if you try to practise your English over here (which I know it is excellent)....and do not use abreviations here PLEASE!!! ;-) I am really looking forward to hear from you on this blog very often. :-)

  3. Legaz sales muy guapo en la foto xD

    1. Hi Pablo!! Thank you for your compliment. Try to write them in english next time, so you can practise. :-)

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