Thursday 6 February 2014


I have been told that year 8 students were involved in some interesting and informative lessons about bullying and cyber bullying the last term. I have seen great posters and displays all around the school that you have made. I think it is a great idea and they could be interesting to other students in year 7 or 9 that they did not go through out the same topic as you. 

I am writing a little bit about it on here today for a reason.... It seems that we all know the theory about bullying and we do not support it at all.... but from time to time some people just forget things and make inapropiate comments to others that could hurt. Before being a teacher I was a student like you (yes even if you can not believe it, teachers were young and gorgeous at some point in their lives) :P .... and I never understood that wrong attitude in people, and I promised to myself that in the future I was going to be firm and consistent against injustice, specially towards young people and minorities.

Well, with these videos I just want to refresh your mind about something that we have learnt in the lessons of PSHE and maybe these stories will help us to understand and remember the importance of the word RESPECT and say no to BULLYING! Do not just create nice posters with wise words...Let's put into action what we believe in everyday! And remember, if you have ever been bullied... Let your teachers and parents know what is going on!
Less theory, more practice! STOP BULLIES!

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